Jesus Christ is the Truth.


By John L. Decossaux, 9/11/11

Pray for wisdom & live a holy life. Believe your conscience, because God can communicate with individuals:  a Liberal politician, luke-warm Christian or a Muslim.

Reality is frightening that’s why so many of us lie to ourselves & welcome the lies of others.

 Islam means submission to Allah not a salaam (peace).

The Koran (Qur’an) is not the only Holy book, they also have the Hadith. They have modern day Fatwa’s telling Muslims worldwide what to do, even up to violent jihad that kills the innocent & military. Wake up before we find ourselves having to make horrific decisions & our grandchildren living under a totalitarian regime.

Christians & everyone needs to do some serious repenting. God won’t save us if we are playing in the playgrounds of the Devil like:  materialism, pornographic life styles, believing in anti religious philosophies & sciences.

Educate your self, family & friends.


Ergun Caner Shares His Journey Through Islam, Ergun Caner, Run Time:  28:04.

What is Jihad?-Dr. John Ankerberg, Emir Caner, Ergun Caner, Run Time:  5:20.

Many more under "Videos/Other Religions".

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